Zongbo Huang

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Last updated: Oct. 1, 2022

Research Assistant Vacancy

I am seeking one or more research assistants. The primary duty includes literature reading, data collection, and data analysis with STATA or other software. Full-time RA is expected to base in Shenzhen and take some teaching load as a teaching assistant. Part-time RA can work remotely.

Currently, I am working on the Chinese financial market, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Scientist Fund #72203195, 2023.01-2025.12, RMB 300,000). An early output titled "The Risk of Implicit Guarantees: Evidence from Shadow Banks in China" with Ji Huang at CUHK and Xiang Shao at Fudan University is now forthcoming at the Review of Finance. I am expecting more research output along this line.

If you are interest, please send your resumes to my CUHK Shenzhen email address and include "Research Assistant Application" in the email title.

Salary is competitive. Duration is flexible, but I am expecting six months at least.

The template is by Vasilios Mavroudis. Thanks!